Frequently Asked Questions
What is the first step to getting a New York medical marijuana card?
The first step is to obtain a Medical Marijuana Program Certification from a licensed NY physician that is registered with the state of New York. The physician must be registered with the New York State Department of Health’s Medical Marijuana Program.
How can I find a registered MMJ practitioner in NY?
We provide the practitioners for you! The most difficult part of the process has always been finding a registered practitioner who certifies you for medical cannabis, but now we make that much easier by allowing you not only access to practitioners, but you can meet with them online via video chat and get approved immediately.
My primary care is not registered, can I still get a recommendation from them?
No. You can only get approved for medical marijuana from a practitioner that has registered with the New York Department of Health’s Medical Marijuana Program, and we provide that for you.
Will I end up on a government list?
You are put on a government list with the Department of Health, but this list isn't shared with the general public. Your patient records with Hemp Central are private and protected by New York state law and HIPAA.
Does chronic pain now qualify me for medical cannabis?
Yes! New York now allows people with chronic pain to be approved for medical marijuana use.
How does the virtual video consultation work?
It’s a simple two-step process. First, you will meet with a practitioner from the comfort of your own home, through video. After being evaluated your practitioner will let you know if you will be approved for medical cannabis, and if so, you will receive your official recommendation and approval for medical marijuana usage in NY. If you are not approved via video, the consultation is free.
How long does the consultation usually take?
The medical evaluation usually takes 10-15 minutes.
What if I am not approved?
If you are not approved then your consultation is free. We entail a network of highly qualified medical practitioners who are willing to evaluate any patient to see if they qualify for medical cannabis. We have a 99% approval rate so if you are not approved, you are refunded in full.
What documents should I upload?
You'll need to provide your medical records, proof of identity, and proof of residence. Your New York driver's license or ID can serve to prove both your residence and identity if it's up to date. If you don't have a driver's license or ID, you can provide a current utility bill, mail from the government addressed to you at your current address to show residence, or even a copy of a current lease/residential document showing that you live at your current address.
I think I’m ready to get my card, how can I get things started?
Press the “Get My Card” button and we can get you approved in NY in no time!
What ID do I need?
Any valid government-issued ID showing a NY address or documentation showing residency in NY.
What are the qualifying conditions in New York?
EXPANDED MEDICAL CONDITIONS: New York now allows practitioners to certify patients for medical cannabis treatment at their discretion. There is no longer a requirement to have a specific qualifying medical condition to join New York’s medical marijuana program. There is a broad range of symptoms that qualify that the practitioner will approve. Ultimately, any chronic or debilitating medical condition will be approved. Most of them generally fall under the following categories: Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Migraines, Issues Sleeping, Chronic Pain, PTSD.
What do I do after I am approved by the physician?
Once you are approved and receive your medical marijuana certification, you will need to simply register with the state of New York’s Medical Marijuana Program through the Patient Registration System. You can create an account here. Click the “Don’t Have An Account” button to create an account. Once created click on the “Heal Applications” icon and then “Medical Marijuana Data Management System” to register. Once you are approved by the state of New York, your ID card will be mailed directly to you and arrive in a week.
What is the cost?
The cost is $139 for initial certifications and that covers your medical evaluation, consultation with a licensed NY practitioner registered with the DOH (Department of Health), and an authorized certification for medical marijuana purchases. If you already have a NY state certification and you are only looking to renew, the cost is $99.
The state also charges $50 for the application fee, but that is currently waived.
How do I submit an application after I am approved by the practitioiner to get a medical marijuana card?
Once you have received your recommendation, you can simply get to the dispensary of your choice and they will assist you in applying. You can call them before you arrive to see exactly what to bring.
Where are the dispensaries in NY? Is there a dispensary near me?
There are already tons of dispensaries all over NY. You can see a list of New York dispensaries here.
Once I get my card, what type of medicine can I buy from NY dispensaries?
New York’s medical marijuana program is still in its infancy, allowing all patients access to just a few medical cannabis options. If you get your NY cannabis card, you get access to: Tinctures, Oils, Concentrates, Topicals, Ingestables.
What all do I need to purchase cannabis from a New York dispensary?
You will need your 1-year certification from our practitioner and your NY Medical Marijuana Card.
Can custody of my children be affected if I become a medical marijuana patient?
Unfortunately, New York doesn't have specific legal protections for parents who are also patients. You should consider your parental rights very seriously and perhaps even consult an attorney if this is a possible concern.